Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Armistice Day at KPC

Kia Ora to matua Wiremu for leading the school the acknowledge this very special occasion. The whole school gathered at our flag pole and did a karakia and haka in recognition of all the soldiers that lost their lives so that we can enjoy the freedoms we have today.

Ka pai koutou
Matua George

Halloween Disco a very scary night indeed

Kia Ora Whanau

We had an exciting and scary time at our school disco. Many students came dressed up and really enjoyed a fun filled evening. Thank you to Te mahuri for organising and running this event for our learners.

Nga Mihi
Matua George

Reading Togther Programme Starts at KPC

A huge congratulation to the whanau that have taken up the challenge and enrolled into our schools very first Reading Together Programme. The Reading Together programme assists whanau with developing strategies to help them read with their tamariki. Whanau become more confident and the sessions with their tamariki become fun and enjoyable. We will be running more sessions for whanau in term one 2016.

Back in the Office

Was great spending the last three weeks with the students in Room 3. Whaea Elisha had done an amazing job developing a really hard working and caring environment. I had a real awesome time with them all. Whaea Mel was also fantastic and is the glue that keeps everything going in Room 3. All the best for the rest of the term Room 3.

Matua George

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Room 2's Toy Factory


Room 2's toy factory in action. Awesome work.