Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Photo's from Refurbishment Work Te Kotahitanga 2017

There is now a huge hole between Room 1 and Room 2.

The sinks are gone now from all the classrooms

Wow this room looks huge now.

Room 3's sink has been taken out. Now for new carpet.

All the walls and toilets are being demolished. This is going to be a very big learning area.

More demo work in the break out space

Room four's sink is gone.


  1. Kia ora George,
    Great to see the learning spaces being transformed. I look forward to your reflections on how the teaching and learning progresses. Is it all complete now?
    Ngā mihi,

  2. Yes was a long five weeks but we are finally getting to the end of the build. We are looking at developing teacher pedagogy for learning in shared spaces and co-teaching and co-teaching. The teaching spaces are really looming great.
